Buying clothes for baby shouldn't be so complicated if you know what
you are doing.
The baby is on its way. Everything is ready to start!
But you have a problem, you are not sure which clothes to buy.
You hate to go to a nearby store to look at the selection. You have everything on your phone!
You can find everything you are interested in from home. But is that so?
In this text you will learn exactly what you should do in this situation.
While the children are still small - the clothes should be as simple as possible.
These can be butterflies, bruises, houses, bunnies
kittens ... There really is no end to the list!
Bodies - pros: they are easy to put on and take off the baby
they consist of one part
they are easy to wash and dry faster than ordinary clothes
cons: some children don't like body, especially if the child pees (sometimes really
knows to be awkward)
In addition, make sure you have bibs and hats for cold weather.
Bibs can be used as a prevention and protection against "food accidents"
They are an excellent protection if babies use them regularly, so that their clothes don't get dirty.
Hats- It is recommended that you put caps on babies if they leave the house.
The newborn's head is the most sensitive part of the body in the early months.
Pay special attention to this as well as to the protection and care of the skin.
Long T-shirts and pants, as well as socks, are suitable for the period of the year when the weather is colder and children need more protection.
A baby when it is very small doesn't get dirty as much as children aged 1-6 get dirty.
Then you need more clothing combinations.
You can train a child in several ways, some of the most basic divisions are - modern and ordinary.
Although, I think it is sweeter to dress a child in something more modern, some people are proponents of the "old school".
By modern I don’t mean that clothes have to be branded and expensive, it’s just enough to have a nice design and to enjoy with your baby while wearing that combination.
Babies in the first months do not differentiate between modern and ordinary.
Keep this in mind when you're shopping.
What Size Baby Clothes To Buy?
When choosing the right clothes, pay attention to the right size. Baby development is different and there is no universal rule that tells us how much
the baby will need to grow up.
Some grow faster and some slower. So put a smile on your face and wish a happy growing up to the little angel! In the video below, see how to choose the best size baby clothes to buy
Should you Buy baby clothes in advance?
It will save you a lot of time if you make a purchase beforehand
that your baby is born. You will spend a lot of time around the baby and it will be for you
glad you bought the clothes before the "madhouse" started.
So, moms and dads - go shopping , as soon as you find out the gender of your baby!
How far in advance should you buy baby clothes?
You shouldn't overdo with these things. You need to understand your baby and its future needs.
Certainly it's not the most important thing in the beginning for the baby to wear branded clothes or some fancy things.
Therefore already something that will be easy to follow and often used.
Keep in mind: - Watch out for allergies with baby laundry.
Make sure your child always has at least a dozen pairs of different
clothes available for every season before it even comes into the world.
List of the most important things you need to know before you purchase baby clothes:
1. the age and size of your baby
2. price - to be satisfied with the purchase, sometimes it is necessary to do a detailed research in order to finally come up with the most favorable and best offer.
3. quality - quality mustn't be lacking - always aim for clothes that will last longer and that are of the good quality, because your baby will feel nicer and better in it.
4. seasons (it is not the same to take clothes for summer as for winter) - with clothes for summer we pay more attention to the design and interesting details as opposed to clothes for winter which must be warm and thick.
-comfort ability and softness - choose cotton material
What's the most important thing of buying baby clothes? online
When choosing clothes over the Internet, it is important to keep the following things in mind:
- the size of the clothes that must match the size of your child
- the material from which the clothes are made and the possibility of stretching
(clothes should not be too tight - the baby should feel comfortable in it
-the price
Is it worth it to buy newborn clothes?
But rest assured as it grows and needs to grow.
So keep that in mind and plan your budget accordingly.
You still have to buy at least 10 pairs of clothes for each season
What clothes to buy for a newborn?
The emphasis is on the softness and right material. Clothes must be soft and made of by cotton.
it mustn't be too narrow. You shouldn't buy clothes that may disturb your child. When I say "bother" I primarily mean things like hood - the area around your child's neck and head. That part must be free.
How many outfits does a newborn need a day?
When a child is born, it doesn't need as many clothes as, for example, when it starts
to feed (it gets dirty all the time - and that requires more frequent changes).
It is advisable to have an excess of diapers as this can lead to overwork
and as far as clothes are concerned, provide 2-3 suits a day maximum.
When the child grows up, they start running, playing in the park and rolling on the grass then rest assured that you will also need more clothing combinations.
After that period, your child will calm down for a while and you will think: "Oh, it's finally over! It doesn't get dirty anymore" - mummies gold - and just when you relax a little bit - all over again!!
Your child will roll on the sand again and come home dirty.
Dear parents, get used to it - children are the decoration of the world and they should be taken care of even when they behave like little “piggis”.